This weekend your task is to create 200 sketches. These should be real world sketches--draw things you actually see.
The goal is for this to be a 2hr assignment (spread over 2 or 3 days). If you take 30 seconds on each sketch, it will take you 2 hours to create 200 sketches.
You'll want to keep some of our "themes" in mind--maybe sketching things that are your "everyday" (but maybe not my everyday, or "everyday" according to most.) You may also want to sketch out some real-world monsters. (Remember, we are examining what is "real world" and what is "monster." Use your eyes and hands to "see" in the Lynda Barry sense of the word. What is "seen" is real. What is "real" may be monstrous.
Upload your 200 sketches as a video on our class dojo.