Hi! I included all my poems from the semester in this powerpoint and added some comments on all of them. I learned a lot more about myself and poetry and everything else than I had expected and I really enjoyed going to class with all of you :( I feel more confident and sure of myself thanks to your support. Thank you all so much for sharing your poetry with me! Happy almost kinda summer!
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Thanks for giving us an inside look at your comp book and process. I have to say, I think your poems have a lot of wildness in them that I appreciate--some great indirection. If you poems have similarities, I think that's mostly just your voice coming through. I see a critical eye coming through in your reflection. Just keep writing and being messy like you do in your comp book. Don't listen to the critic, because what you are writing is uniquely you and we've all enjoyed reading it this semester. Thanks again for sharing your portfolio!
Gabby, I thought the 'there isn't much to me' poem was amazing and it is one of my favorites of the semester. Its imagery and subject matter just spoke volumes to me, and I was surprised that you felt it wasn't strong. I think it's spectacular. Also, I thought the pictures from your comp book really brought something interesting to some of the poems. The controlled chaos on the page that paired with the 'My hands' poem was really interesting to see. Same with your inspiration pieces. I'm impressed by your portfolio and I thoroughly enjoy the energy of your poems. Plus I relate to your points about Hirshfield, I too was skeptical, but I now appreciate her lessons. Your journey if beautiful to see and I had a wonderful semester in Ohioense with you and Ella.
Gabby, I think your writing is beautiful. All of your poems always have just the right amount of imagery and honesty in them. I love the subtle fairy tale elements so many of your poems had, it makes me feel like a kid again. You were also able to show a lot of maturity, growth and vulnerability in your poetry. It's hard to open up to strangers with something that is so personal, and I really admire that you were able to. I could see how your writing style improved throughout the semester, and I hope you continue to write. I'm so glad that I got to know you a bit this semester, thank you for everything!!