For Wednesday, please read “There is No Hierarchy of Oppression” by Audre Lorde from Homophobia and Education: Council on Interracial Books for Children https://sites.williams.edu/engl113-f18/marr/there-is-no-hierarchy-of-oppression/ and create an X-page in your notebook.
Also, read your assigned Jigsaw group text and create 4 index cards with a quote on one side and a summary/analysis, etc. on the other.
A: “how ‘normal’ became a code word for ‘white:’ a eugenic history” by AlokVaid-Menon, Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUq8V4prv4/
B: “a racist history of gender norms in the US” by AlokVaid-Menon, Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CUYhIE8LqMj/
C: “the racist history of the sex binary” by AlokVaid-Menon, Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CUkka3pLoe9/