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Mr. W goes to Florida
Teaching Philosophy
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long story short
After ten years of teaching English in the secondary classroom, Mr. W packed his bags and (with some stops inbetween) headed to Florida State University to pursue a PhD in Creative Writing/ Poetry.
More about me
to Paris
and back
an online teaching portolio
Peeling the Onion
Here is one of my favorite classroom protocols to facilitate a variety of perspectives and voices.
It's been a chaotic start to teaching English composition. I've had some bad stuff happen. But it's made me remember that bad stuff...
Developing a Teaching Philosophy
As with any good document, this teaching philosophy is a draft. I'm looking forward to developing it further. Teaching Philosophy
LA5370 Reflection - an open email to my former mentor
TEXT: Dear Mrs. D, It’s raining here in Tallahassee. I think it rains here every day. It’s strange being here before I actually start...
LAE 5946 - 1250 words
This term I became acquainted with the Reading Writing Center at Florida State University. First visiting the RWC in a “scavenger hunt”...
When the First Voice You Hear is Not Your Own - READ THIS NOW
Royster's piece (read it here) is one I need to go back to in times when I am discouraged about being a cog in the composition...
Strand Reflections
1101 Strand IV: How Facebook (and Other Online Communities) Teach Us to Write, or a New Digital Literacy For me, Strand IV ties my own...
Reading Response - Bishop
I wrote this informal response to Wendy Bishop's Teaching Grammar for Writers in a Process Workshop Classroom very late at night. A...
Grammar in a Tutoring Setting
Here is a handout I created for some tips on grammar in a writing conference/tutoring situation.
Reading Response - Straub
Here are some informal thoughts on Teacher Response as Conversation: More than Casual Talk, an Exploration by Richard Straub with some...
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