Hey guys! Here is the link to the audio of my poem and I have a text version down below. I was really inspired by the split structure of the new year's poem we read in class and wanted to write something similar. I tend to be very vague in my writing so I want to make sure my poem actually makes sense. What details should I add / take away? What aspects should I explore more?

Hello Ava,
Again, super sorry for the late responses lol oops. I love love love LOVE the use of color in your writing. Like I said in my other comment of your poem, I think using color is very smart in terms of voice and imagery. I felt like I was with you. I think something interesting to add in this poem is maybe the color yellow. Relationships can be seen as a stoplight ... the green light being good, red light being bad, yellow being cautious. Just a really weird idea haha, but I think maybe adding yellow in some sort of capacity would be very interesting. I loved the poem and I thought it was quite romantic. Good job!