I dunno about this one! I really like narrative poems and I want to explore them more. I want to maybe put some allusions to the original siren myth in here but I'm not sure how, i wanted to stay away from her literally singing but I'd like to throw some musicality in there to allude to it. I also worry if the ending is too indirect. Let me know whatcha think!

Hi James! Great storytelling and details about the she in this poem!! I'd be careful throwing allusions to greek mythology in there because they are used so much already. You could do a "O Brother Where Art Thou" kind of thing. I think you are already doing that to some degree. Like maybe instead of the man tying himself to the mast pole like in the myth the man could stand against a light pole or fence post by the pool. Maybe the sea in the myth is the name of town or a county. Do you know what I mean? Use details in the scene of your story to be similar to recognizable elements of the myth. Maybe the good ole boy picks the wax in his ears. As for music, I'd try too literally put more oohs and aahs in. You've got ooh of pool already. Also tooth. As for the ending. I get it. I might end on an image, rather than an idea. What might show that she has it covered. Maybe an image of her hands under the water or something. What's a siren like anyway? Does she have a fish tail for legs? A hideous face with shark teeth but hot body? Maybe there's a detail that your siren has that isn't in the myth at all. Like eyes that she can pop in and out or something. For me the magic of this poem is the tension. How quickly the roles seem to get reversed and she becomes the "predator" and he the "prey." Nice work!