Hey y'all! So I don't have a recording of the poem because my phone's microphone is broken. I will figure something out and edit this by tomorrow but I have a paper due tonight so I want to focus on finishing that before I deal with this. Sorry!! Anyways, as for workshopping this, I'm pretty much open to any criticism. I also want to make sure this makes sense narratively. Thanks!!

I love the surprising spots of imagery in this poem. There's also a kind of music that starts for me with "spool." It's a strange-in-a-good way word choice. If it's narrative you are going for, you might try a little more "somebody wanted... but... so..." I think the narrative starts to be about someone wanting to know the other person. I'm not sure exactly what is standing in the way of that. What's the "but" there? They keep leaving? I'm not sure that's it because the "so" part of the narrative seems to be that they enter a domestic life together. For clearer narrative, we might need a better idea of who the speaker is or who is being spoken to--who the "you" is. I didn't really need a ton of narrative when I read this poem, though. I really enjoyed the way it sort of moved from still life to still life. I might do even more of that. There's a bird hopping on power-washed cement. What other "paintings" might appear in this journey. I think there's space for that where stanza 7 is. That's the magic in this poem for me, a careful guiding from one quiet image to the next. Nice work!