Site Visit

To give your audience(s) a sense of where you are and the specific community you feel a part of (or becoming a part of), you'll want to consider how you can use a site visit in your composition. There are many ways to put your reader at the scene of where your story takes place, but modern technology has allowed us to record sound, images, video, and even 3D/Virtual reality elements and multiple ways of sharing those.
This podcast might serve as a mentor text, not just for creating your own podcast, but for the multiple strategies employed to make the place in which a community functions come to life for the reader/listener.
While this element of your composition isn't due until after spring break, you'll want to get started on it as soon as possible as it may be a little more involved than the other work you have done. (Don't forget, you'll need interview elements as well! You might want to get these two tasks done at the same time.)