Acheson 7
What do you think about Acheson's take on inductive reasoning? How does it fit (or not fit) with some of the terms/methods/ideas we've...
Instructor: Mat Wenzel, MFA, M.Ed.
Office: WMS 331 Office Hours: T/R 9:15 to 10:45 SYLLABUS
What do you think about Acheson's take on inductive reasoning? How does it fit (or not fit) with some of the terms/methods/ideas we've...
Text Mini-presentation Each student will be presenting an introduction to the larger text they are focusing on for the course. The...
What part of Acheson's chapter on social and historical contexts be most useful for your final project. This, of course, will vary widely...
Comment below with your name and a link to your portfolio!
Don't forget our first paper is due Tuesday, October 23. Please email it to me as a Word document. You have until the end of the day to...
Did Acheson give helpful strategies for researching within a text? If so, which one(s)? Did Acheson reshape your thinking about...
Here is the rubric we created in class. I have also updated the syllabus post-Michael.
Hello students. Your first priority is your own safety and well-being. Please take appropriate steps now to prepare for the storm. Course...
How does Brian Reed use imagery and figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification) in S-town? And/Or how would you apply it to...
Excerpts from the graphic novel "Queer: A Graphic History."
What are you working on right now in this class? What questions/concerns do you have about the coursework? What about your text for the...
Let's apply one of the terms from Pope (characterization, comedy, tragedy, pastoral, carnival) to episodes 3 or 4. How does one of the...
Which period from Appendix C are you most familiar with (from high-school, college, outside reading)? In what ways is this categorization...
Consider what's said and not said in episode 2 of S-town. How does what's not said speak to what is said? OR how does what is said, speak...
On page 93 Pope suggests that as part of writing an interpretation (critical or creative), one should "Come to some provisional...
Define close reading in your own words. Describe a time when you engaged in close reading of a book, article, letter, photograph, movie,...