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The third assignment is the most open to creativity. You will remix what you have learned through your inquiry of genres in community into a three genre campaign.
This campaign is addressed to a specific and real audience, consists of genres that convey a message with a real-world purpose, and is disseminated in a way that effectively delivers the message. For instance, if one of the genres is a poster, then the poster should be posted in an appropriate place given the purpose and audience; sidewalk chalk should be placed in an appropriate number of appropriate locations; flyers should be handed out in a location relevant to the campaign; a tshirt should be worn to appropriate locations.
Other examples of genres might include Facebook group pages, informational websites, a Twitter account, etc. These kinds of digital texts will circulate differently than print texts, which will need to be appropriately placed, but they can be circulated and shared in conjunction with the other genres created for the project. For example, a flyer created by the student might make its own argument, but it should also “link to” or reference the other two texts created for the project. 
You will also create a rationale explaining your intent, the making and distribution process, and the overall effectiveness of your campaign. Campaigns (in draft) will be presented during the last week of class.

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