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Skyler and Emily's Log


We went over how the research proposal is due July 9th and that we need to be as specific as possible with it.

Then, Emily’s Group went over Chapter 11 and discussed topics and research proposals.

We then began the “peeling the onion” process with the rest of the class to help make our topic as specific as possible.

Mat suggested to start the interview process as soon as possible for the second part of the project.

Mat emphasized that we are using research to inquire about something we don’t all know for the Inquiry section.


We continued to review the rest of the class’s proposals for their projects where each person briefly described what community they are currently in and what community they are planning to transition to. After a person would finish going over their project proposal, the students sitting after them would make assumptions, suggestions, and ask questions to further solidify and advise them towards their proposal.

After we finished going over everyone’s project proposal, Mat went over any questions we might have asked and made a few important announcements:

Announcement #1) If anyone in the class did not post their personal narrative drafts on their Wix site that it is okay as long as we see him to let him know if we are having any technical issues so that he can help us fix that.

Announcement #2) Interviews need to be set up NOW! You must get in contact with your mentor and make sure to schedule those interviews, this is critical for our project!

Announcement #3) In regards to the format of our Interviews, we must create a profile by asking our interviewees questions about themselves but it is also important that we ask logistical questions. This would include questions such as, “How did you get into this community?” We should also ask about outside sources (maybe like an online source) that we can use to get further involved in this community. For example, SONA is an online source in which those interested in Psychology can further delve into this field by signing up for research studies that they can participate in right here in this campus.

Announcement #4) It is important that when we set up our meeting with our mentors, that we pick appropriate hours to contact them. It is also important that we all pick appropriate locations to meet up with our mentors as well.

After these announcements, the class was dismissed.


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