Second Day of Class
Second day of class January 11, 2017 Class began with time to fill out an index card on the first chapter of the Bedford Book of Genres. The poem of the day was “Our Love Transcends Sexuality & Gender & Time & Place; Translation: Not Now, Not Ever,” By C. Russell Price. We talked about BBG CH1, understanding genre. A genre is a way to categorize “things”, or more specifically composition for this class. Composition is anything created or written (a speech, essay, snapchat, instagram, etc.). When writing, we create a composition for our intended audience, choosing a genre that best suits the needs of the audience. We also looked at rhetorical situation, all of the elements surrounding the text/genre. It is important to know the difference between rhetorical situation and exigence. Exigence is your personal reason for writing, why you choose the words you write and why you feel you must write whereas rhetorical situation is what influences your writing. We watched a youtube video called “Shit Miami girls say” and discussed what genres it belongs to. “Shit Miami Girls Say”, for example, is a sub-genre of youtube, which is a genre. We discussed what constitutes a “shit ___ people say” video; it is usually different clips of people saying stereotypical things, and at least one person who does not belong to the group. In “Shit Miami Girls Say” it was a man dressed as a woman. The last thing we talked about was the mini-presentation, which is a presentation on a specific genre. It is informal, and should be one page in length if written, and presented in five minutes at most. Focus on one example that exemplifies the genre within the text, why you picked the genre, and the typical/atypical conventions (what makes it part of the specific genre).