Lauren's Log
Class began with time to fill out an index card.
The poem of the day was Photo of a Girl on a Beach by Carmen Gimenez Smith.
Collin and Evan presented their genre presentations. Collin talked about the YouTube Series Epic Rap Battles of History and Evan talked about Propaganda specifically in the World Wars. Each gave some history of the genre and presented examples relating to it.
Project One was briefly discussed. Visuals were made in order to most effectively and simply what was expected as far as the exigence, genre and grading of the project.
Beth lead the class discussion on plagiarism. Jane, Sam, Cavin and Renee read their blogs to help with the discussion.
This lead into the plagiarism activity where students read the part of the Academic Honor Code and the English Department’s statement on plagiarism. Followed by an activity where the class had to determine if certain examples were plagiarism or not. Every student signed the plagiarism paper stating we understood the Academic Honor Code, the English Department’s statement on plagiarism, and asked questions for further clarification.
The last few minutes of class some housekeeping was done. By next class (2/1), our third draft of project one is due with 1,000 words. This is when peer editing will be done. The next blog is due by 6 am the day of February 6th. Students turned their index cards in on the table at the end of class.