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Class opened with us filling out a notecard for attendance purposes. It asked us about a community that we’re drawn to but not a part of yet and then to explain why we have that interest. The question from the notecard relates to project 2. Then the poem “Paris, October 1936” was read in class. The logs for both January 30th and February 1st were read. Then Mikayla did a mini presentation on the genre of Instagram with the subgenre being finstagrams. We were told that next class, Wednesday, February 8th, we’d be meeting in the Dirac Science Laboratory for a presentation on research. Then Hannah lead a class discussion on the article, “Consider the Lobster.” Following that we discussed project 2 where we need to write a research paper on a community that we are not yet a part of. A bibliography with peer reviewed sources, interview(s), as well as other things will be needed in our 3,000-word paper. Class was then dismissed.


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