Joe's Log
The class began with Professor Wenzel reminding the students of attendance (which is no more than four classes missed) and who will be going for discussion and class logs. On our index cards we had to draw a map of where we have been with the research project and where it is headed. We then went over the poem, “Who Understand Me but Me” by Jimmy Santiago Baca. We then heard the previous log by Nicole. Mat then went over questions students had about the research project. He made it clear that the text will become evident once you go on with your research. It was also assured that this is not a traditional research paper. We were shown to compare the text in the research to an animal we do not know about in a distant community. Also, research is used to build your own credibility. We should also use, “Consider the Lobster”, as a model for our paper. We then continued class by writing on the back of our index cards things we consider texts in our classroom. Each example was looked over to see if we would actually use them. The text is the focus of the paper. The next thing we went over were genre presentations. Tess went up first going over the genre of The Black Jaguar - White Tiger Foundation. She was followed by Hannah going over the Genre of Political Satire. The class went on with Nicole and Jessica leading discussion. They covered the blog posts from the night before that help students with sources. If you have trouble with research it is great to talk to a librarian for help. The interview also helps you with ideas if you are having problems in that area. If you did not do the blog post you should probably read the chapter and do it, especially if you are having problems with research. Mat then talked about coming to his office hours if you need any help. Next class the interview is due.