Project 2 Conferences
Hello all!
We won't be meeting in Williams next week (March 6 and 8). Instead, I will be holding 1 on 1 conferences in the Sweet Shop about your Project 2 draft.
Please sign up for a REQUIRED conference on this doodle poll
I'm looking forward to reading your work!
Make sure you EMAIL ME a WORD DOCUMENT before your meeting so I can type up notes for you and we aren't wasting time with getting on the wireless and other technology issues.
Your draft should be at least 2500 words. I reserve the right to deduct points from your grade for short drafts.
Because this is a long paper, make sure you also come ready to ask some specific questions. I probably won't have time to read through the whole thing and give feedback.
This is also a great week to sign up for an RWC conference because you have some space in your schedule freed up by class being cancelled.