Jayne's Log
Poem: by Frank O'Hara
*** There was a syllabus change. We are not doing the artist statement anymore, but we are combining it with the pitch for Project 3. You can do either one.
*** Come to class for everyone's presentations. You will still be counted absent even if you’ve already presented.
Google Maps genre example
Twitter account - class wrote 15 observations down about the header picture; 20 observations of the google maps logo; how the visuals tie into the purpose of Google Maps
Commercial: Saroo Brierley: Homeward Bound (observations of the commercial) Indian man adopted to Australia; found his childhood home with Google Maps and found his biological family
*** Make sure your genres relate to your community. If it’s not apparent or might not make sense, explain it. Project 3 should be based on Project 2.
Camryn's mini-genre presentation on country music videos
Blog 10 viral marketing blog: Bridget leads discussion (Caven)
Blog 11 multi genre presentation blog: Amanda leads discussion (Evan, Lindsay)