Bridget's Log
Class Log: April 19th
Poem: Tuesday Ordinary by Damian Caudill . It’s about Trayvon Martin.
Starts with a quote from Fox and Friends
Olivia does a genre presentation on Carpool Karaoke
Part of late night show with James Corbin
He uses celebrities to gain a better audience by singing their own songs
They drive through New York and Los Angeles
Audience can be for older and younger generations
Has 2.5 trillion views
Purpose of it is for comedy
There isn’t much controversial material in the show
Next genre presentation is by Jordan
Showed us an example of Bruno Mars and James Corbin
Kristian Williams does Youtube videos focusing on pop culture icons and media
Talks about well known icons
He does “video essays” and uses pop up animation styles in his videos
Stops the music and speak about his personal opinions
Called “Kaptain Kristian”
Showed us an example of a Dr. Seuss video
Project 3 is due on Monday April 24th
Presenters will be randomly chosen
Do not present for more than 5 minutes
Present even if your project is incomplete
Points will be taken if you say you’re not prepare or if you’re absent
Classwork: You need 10 out of 11 blogs to receive full credit
Post mini-genre presentations on Wix
If you can’t upload, put pictures of the analysis slides. Something to show you did it.
It’s suggested you put index cards on your blog, notes about when you lead discussion, notes about mini-genre presentations, other class notes and documents
The blog is a way of showing what work you have done during the term
Project 1:
Rough draft, revised draft, final draft, (reflection)
Put down any other drafts
Conference Notes with Mat
Conference notes with students
Project 2:
Annotated Bibliography
Revised Draft
Final Draft
Project 3:
-3 genres - documented with photos or on the website
- reflection:
-links to other sources
-links to classmates
Overall Reflection: Post on your website, IMPORTANT. WILL BE READ
-Meta Cognition: thinking about your thinking
-think about how your thought process has changed
-don’t make a post about what you learned or how wonderful the class is
-reflection should be at least a page
-overall conclusions can be 2 pages