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Lexy's Log

Class started off by reading “Tree” by Jane Hirshfield and continued with Joe reading his blog from yesterday. Since we were unable to hear the logs from the class before Charlotte and Natalia read their logs as well. Mat then went over Project two and the upcoming deadlines (Annotated Bibliography is due Monday). After talking a little about Project 2, class went into a discussion about Consider the Lobster and the citations Wallace used, which are untraditional for MLA.

We then had some good news when Mat told us that for our paper we only need 7 sources instead of 10, 5 of which have to be journal sources. Mat then decided to cancel blog #9, because we already had much work ahead of us for our papers. After asking the class how many sources we collected yesterday, Mat decided to change the wordcount for the Annotated Bibliography; instead of 600 words we need 450 (3 sources). A question was then asked about our grades and Mat told us that our final grades will be posted on Black Board. We were also reminded to post all of our drafts on our website because that will be part of our e-portfolio grade.

Today, Austin, Emily, Sara, and Kaycee presented their untraditional texts and class discussion was led by Natalia and later Sam. Natalia led the discussion with footnotes and asked the class how we read them, Sam said that she usually reads them first before the text itself. Mat then told us that the worst thing we could do was read word for word on a piece, it is best to read the headings and the first and last paragraphs. Sam had Sara and Jessie read their blogs about plagiarism (Mat read Kelly’s). Class ended with a lesson on a Quote Sandwich, which is basically how to use quotes (Introduce the quote, Quote, and Explain the quote).

Reminders: Do not do blog 9 and have a 750-word draft for Project 2


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