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Tinajia and Sheena's Log


To officially start off class today, Mat read the poem “Our Love Transcends Sexuality & Gender & Time & Place; Translation: Not Now, Not Ever” by C. Russel Price. He explained that the next blog post wasn’t until the 26, so the upcoming presenters will have to dig deep into the archives when it is time for them to lead class discussion. Mat then went on to explain the revision process and how we can better out grades. On the class website, you will find a post that breaks down how you should go about our revision plan, if you choose to do so. Reminder, if you receive a grade lower than 70% than you are required to revise your paper; you also shouldn’t wait more than two weeks to revise your work. Mat HIGHLY recommends that we visit the RWC to receive help for our Project 2; you can make an appointment between 10am and 5pm. After Mat was done, Jessie went up and gave her mini-presentation.

Her presentation was a SNL skit, where Melissa McCarthy acted as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Spicer is known for being very aggressive with the press at briefings and the skit poked fun at that fact. McCarthy portrayal of Spicer was a humorous exaggeration, where she constantly yelled the “press” because for asking too many questions, especially Glen. Though the entire class found the skit to be hilarious, Jessie explained how others might find it offensive and insulting. With Spicer being a part of the current White House administration, someone would consider the skit to be disrespectful.

After Jessie, Charlotte did a presentation on surrealism photography. She explained how it could be interpreted as a genre and text at the same time; and that this type is very abstract and the goal is to spark confusion in people’s mind. She showed her favorite artist, Salvador Dali, who is known for his painting of the dripping clocks. Charlotte then went on to talk about the history of surrealism and how it started from an anti-art movement out of the Dada activities during World War I. She stated that since the art is based off the subconscious mind that surrealism is basically open to interpretation. This could lead to misunderstandings because people interpret thing differently, especially abstract art; and this could lead to certain pieces coming off offensive to some. After mini-presentations, it was time for Emily, Patrick, and Nico to lead class discussions.

Emily was first to go up and she focused on a specific blog post. She chose to discuss Jessie’s 7th Blog post, where Jessie talked about Chapter 11 in BBG. She wrote the identity is “the key element in the process of expressing ourselves to other,” which I believe to very true. Things that we have experienced throughout our lives define our identities, and that translates through our writings. Mat chimed in saying how every piece of writing comes from a different perspective, even academic writings (if it weren’t for that, everything would become repetitive).


During the second half of the class, Professor Wenzel went over sentence combining using semicolons, commas with a conjunction, subject-verb/predicate punctuation, and subordinating conjunctions. He also noted the tendency to use passive voicing without reason in our writing, where it is not clear who is doing the action, and the tendency to make generalizations, where there is no way an individual can observe or research a statement they made. He then reviews and stresses the importance of MLA format because it is the first thing a professor sees. Patrick and Nico conducts the discussion and answer questions that anyone may have. Patrick explains the difference between works cited and an annotated bibliography. After, workshop began and everyone got into their groups as Professor Wenzel and Jessie walks around in case anyone need help.



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