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Taylor and Kristen's Log


We started out class by Mat saying he plans to keep ending class around 9:15 and answering questions for the remainder of class. Then we went on to read the poem of the day “Movement Song” by Audre Lorde and Tinajia and Sheena`s log from class Monday. Next, Mat talked about a Khan academy video he posted on our website that may be helpful to watch on subordinating clauses. After that we turned to our neighbors and discussed our notecard visuals that express our structure for project two. Different classmates shared their note card visuals that ranged from diagrams to Charlotte`s picture of papers flying everywhere.

Then Mat proceeded to lead us into a discussion on inductive versus deductive reasoning using two triangles. The tip of the triangle is your main idea and the base is your evidence then it is considered a deductive approach and the opposite would be considered inductive.

Main idea


Deductive approach


Mat talked about how we are now in college and we should stray away from these two approaches and create a mix/thread along the way. We talked about how the festival was the thread in Consider the Lobster and I Once was Miss America`s thread was Sweet Valley High.

After that we talked close analysis of non traditional text by watching different TV commercials and approached them through Logos- logical based on observable fact,

Pathos- emotion, and

Ethos- credibility. The first commercial we watched was from 1987 “This is your brain on drugs” it showed a fatherly figure cracking open an egg (aka your brain) onto a hot pan (which represented drugs) and when the egg was cracked and started to fry on the pan, it was supposed to depict “your brain on drugs” .


For the second part of class, we finished watching and analyzing videos. The second video we watched was the new version of the “this is your brain on drugs”. The class discussed how the camera focused on the different images throughout to emphasize the impact that drugs have on not only you, but your friends and family as well. The class also discussed how a women was used as a more relatable figure compared to the “father figure” used previously. The next two videos we watched were an old spice commercial and a commercial for legalizing same sex marriage. Mat asked the class who we thought the audience was for the old spice commercial. Majority of the class agreed that the commercial was directed at women who were shopping for their significant other. For the other video, the class stated that the audience was conservative voters specifically the older generation. To convince this group of people to vote, the video utilized ethos and pathos. The pathos used was the variety of emotions felt throughout the different life events in the video ending with shock after discovering the man was married to another man. Ethos was established by viewing the man’s life through the eyes of the significant other. Mat then discussed that this is how we should analyze our texts for our research paper, discussing ethos, pathos, and logos appeals as well as lighting, camera angles, and sound. After this, Mat ended the class by discussing how to make categories for your pages for project 1, 2, and 3.



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