Blog Post #1 - Shitty First Drafts

Please write a response to Anne Lamott's chapter from Bird by Bird called "Shitty First Drafts."
1. You should write your response in a Word document and save it.
2. Your response should be between 200 and 500 words.
3. This will be a published post--only include thoughts and statements that you wish to be part of our classroom community and the larger online community. Please respect the Civility Clause described in our syllabus.
4. You will create your own blog on the first day of class and then you will link to your blog in the comments below. YOU CAN STILL READ AND RESPOND BEFORE YOU HAVE A BLOG. Then, once you set up a blog, you can just copy, paste, and link!
5. When you do link--make sure you include YOUR NAME, a brief description/hook for your post, and copy and paste the link to your specific post (not just your blog).