Alex's Log
Class began with us filling out our index cards, on which we rated how excited we are for Mondays class. Mat then read us the poem titled “peacock at a garden party”. After the poem, Mat introduced to his friend Lakey, who came in to talk to the class about an organization called the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union). She described that this organization focuses on social injustices in our community, and spoke more specifically about the issue of voting rights. Lakey first showed us a YouTube video titled, “The History of Voting Rights from 1965 to Now” which can be found here: This video discussed the restrictions of voting rights that have occurred throughout America’s history. The class was able to relate this video to Project 3 as a good genre idea. She then showed another video titled “Miami Rights” which can be found here: This video took a more comical approach to the argument being made, which can be used as another use of a genre for project 3. The final video that she showed was “13th Trailer”, which was a trailer for a Netflix series that related to her topic and can be found here: Lakey finished her presentation to the class by passing around forms for anyone willing to sign for a petition to give convicted felons the right to vote in Florida.
After this, Cole read his log from the last class. We then moved on to Cassie’s mini-presentation. Cassie did her presentation on a meme about a Russian guy posting pictures of cats with Russia captions, which were then translated into English. After the presentation, the class discussed the possible implications of translating the captions from one language to another and how this might cause context issues. Cassie’s presentation can be found here:
Kate then did her presentation, which focused on a clip from the show “Rick and Morty”. This video talked about how people view the meaning of life, and provided the argument that humans often try too hard in searching for meaning. Kate’s presentation can be found here:
After presentations, Brooke and Mackenzie led discussion about looking at wix sites from past classes and using them to help our formatting for our final portfolio. Brooke and Mackenzie each read their blog post to the class, and Mackenzie pointed out the fact that the person’s page that her post focused on had some navigational issues. We discussed as a class how it was helpful to look at what others have done as a reference for positives and negatives that we can apply to our own pages. We then viewed a good example from the past classes on Sofia Willis’ page, which can be found here:
We finished class by discussing our pitches, which Mat compared to an elevator pitch. This means that it is supposed to be a short representation of our ideas that makes the key points and only takes about one minute. Mat told us that these pitches would not be due until the Monday after Thanksgiving break. We then took a vote about whether or not to have class on Monday the 20th, which resulted in the decision to cancel the class.