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The End is Near

Hello all! The end of our class is nearing! Here's how to tie things up.

1. Be ready to present your three genre campaign starting on Monday. You have about 5 minutes to present your genres, so you won't be able to read through every word with us. Take us through the best and most exciting parts. You don't have to hit all three genres equally.

2. Write and post a final reflection. This is your chance not only to tell me all that you've been doing and learning behind the scenes, but an opportunity for you to think about your own thinking and learning and how (or if) the stuff you learned will be of any use to you at all once you leave this course. Make sure it is has the minimum word count. Also, if you've been a fastidious student, you already have some reflection done for P1 and P2. Feel free to copy and paste that into your final reflection and then add a little more about P3 and some overall thoughts.

3. Email me a link to your final portfolio when you feel that it is final. Also, attach your reflection as a Word Document, that way I'm sure not to miss where you put it in your portfolio.

4. Make sure you've sent me your revisions and I've graded them. If a few days have gone by and I haven't graded them, send me a reminder email.

5. Keep in touch! I'm happy to write letters of recommendation, and you are always welcome to my office hours.



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