Aakiem and Leo's Log
Everyone filled out their note cards
We started the class by reading a poem
And then Alicia read her log from last class and gave the class a refresher on what happened & after, Mat made sure that the sign up list was put together correctly
After that, Mat looked at the note cards from last class and answered some of the classes questions that we wrote down:
The portfolio is basically our website with everything in it
The class has to write 6000 words this semester
Everything that’s not in the textbook will be provided by Mat
We will not be graded on how well our blogs are
You can comment on anyone’s blog post, it doesn’t have to be in your group
You can get extra credit if you post your note cards on your wix website
If you miss a blog assignment, you can bring in class materials to get the grade such as index cards or anything that will contribute to the class
This class is not hard (But work hard, he’s a harsh grader)
No Group projects & no final
You can revise your projects until the very end
Megan and Hans went up to do their Mini Presentation
Megan went first and explained her blog on Roxane Gay and how she feels that many students can relate
Megan Called on Gracie to present her Blog
Finally Monica Presented her blog
Hans went up next to do his mini presentation….
Hans took the front of the class for a second time, as he prepared for his non-traditional text presentation.
Here, he played a rap song about the controversial topic of abortion entitled “Lost Ones” by J. Cole.
Mat and Hans both then delineated on their personal analysis of the song.
After the much needed, early morning musical hiatus, we quickly got back to reality as Mat began to explain Project #1.
In project #1 students must:
Write a 1000 word minimum personal narrative
Relate the narrative to a SPECIFIC genre within a broader community
The student should have some sort of connection with said community
Dissect the way genre, as a whole, plays a part in the community.
**DUE DATES ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR** - Mat strongly encourages students to begin thinking about their text for Project 1
Mat finalized the presentation schedule and it can be found under “Non-traditional Text Presentation” in his blog
After ongoing confusion about the sign-up sheet, the addition of a new student, and the loss of one of our own, our schedule is ready to go!
*p.s Mat wants you to drop
The class was dismissed a few minutes early to leave time for students to speak with Mat in regards any unanswered questions students may have had.