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Griffin's Log

-Notecards were passed around for attendance. -Mat then started class by reading the poem "Armageddon Via Telephone Wire" by C. Russel Price. -After reading the poem, Mat reminded us that the first draft was due in Friday of this week (750 word first draft). -He also reminded us that the craft needed to be emailed to him and our response group (He said he is going to try and put it in canvas so we are all mislead about our grade -He then reminded usthat blog 4 is due next class and you can write about chapter 7 of 8. -Mat informed us that we needed to sign up for a conference to discuss our 1,000 word draft. -He told us where the Sweet Shop is and told us if we missed a conference we would miss two attendance days. -Mat reminded us that an interview was required for Project 2. -He then told us to move our desks into a circular shape so we could discuss our projects and the genres we planned to use. -This discussion was very inclusive and lasted to the end of class, when we were dismissed.


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