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Monica and Dev's Log


  • We all got our notecards and wrote down things that we think make up a good story

  • Listened to the poem “These Skirts Are For Me” by Sossity Writes

  • Mat checked to make sure that we have all signed up for conferences

  • Conferences are this upcoming Thursday 2/1/18 and Tuesday 2/6/18

  • Mat said we should always email our first drafts to our group and CC with Mat, but at the end make sure your essays are on wix

  • During conferences we need to have a 1000 word draft

  • By the end of the semester all drafts / forms of our projects should be posted to the wix site

  • Email Mat at:

  • If you don’t hear from Mat within a few days it might have slipped through

  • Title email subject with something like “urgent” “I have a question” etc

  • Sam and Claire did their non-traditional mini-text presentation

  • Sam: No Country for Old Men coin toss scene

  • Claire: Winning with1400 pounds of Dry Ice


  • Claire's mini presentation

  • Swimming w/ 1000 lbs of dry ice; she explains that the video [vlog], makes entertaining content for a younger audience. Explains that he makes relatively shorter videos than usual doing wild things for people to view.

  • Mat stresses that starting essays is extremely boring to him, explains how he's read over 10000 essays that have done this or started with a poem

  • While reading an example narrative, he advises to start essay with the action, and set the scene, and that it should have some kind of "voice", and use physical movement to hint at characters' emotion/feelings (ex: "she slammed the door" vs. "she was mad")

  • The class reads Mother tongue by Amy Tan as Mat gives multiple pieces of advice regarding writing style

  • Mat explains to use dialogue in our writing; when someone new is speaking, start a new paragraph and indent

  • The Class concludes that the author considers the use of "Englishes" to reach an audience and being able to relate to them

  • Mat then suggests to incorporate what genre conventions to use

  • Class concludes


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