Nakima's Log
We started off the class speaking about Wednesday’s class which if you weren’t aware, will be in Strozier so don’t show up to Williams at 8 am Wednesday morning. We then listened to Mat’s friend, Aubrey’s, poem.
After listening, we immediately began discussing research proposals and if BBG was helpful. Mat asked if anyone had any questions and when no one did he began to question our love for the BBG. He also showed us a very helpful tool in the back of the book that gives detail on different types of genres.
Isaac then gave his mini presentation where he showed us a video called “If NFL Refs Played Fantasy Football.” He focused on the genre YouTube celebrities and how they all use their platforms to generate revenue or speak on certain topics they want to cover. This video focused on the concept many football fans believe that refs do show favoritism towards certain teams versus other. I, personally gave up this theory when the Eagles won two weeks ago.
Mat then reminded us that we need to constantly check our syllabus because all important updates are posted there and went over any questions we may have about assignments or the syllabus. We also have no blogs due until March 5th so anyone leading discussions should focus on the projects and any questions they might have about them.
We then discussed “Consider the Lobster” which is our model text for project 2. We focused on things such as intended audience, genre, etc. Mat also emphasized that for our own papers he wants us to center it around an intended audience regardless of terms or concepts that may not be familiar to him. We also spent time online creating a refworks account for the library (@ and going over how to create blogs on specified pages on our Wix site.