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Lauren's Log

This morning we did not start class with the usual poem. Instead, Jake volunteered to read Nick’s log from the previous class. Mat then clarified what genres are and emphasized that talking about comedy as a genre is un-useful. Instead, the sub-genre comedy could be broken down into comedy series, online comedy series/web series, fan made ocs, and fan made gaming ocs. Mat reminded us that when we present our mini text presentation to focus on the text, how it’s useful, and what we can compare it to. Katelyne’s mini presentation was focused on the website “Stumbleupon”. With this website, you are able to select your interests and stumble upon a random article/blog. The blog that was randomly pulled up was called “30 life lessons I learned by age 30”. As a class, we started to analyze the blog and pointed out what makes up a blog. We then hit “stumble” again and found the quote “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves” by Carl Jung. This quote is seen to be an inspirational quote and definitely not a meme. Mat had Katelyne hit “stumble” one last time and we stumbled upon an article from Glamour called “What If Love Lasts Forever”. As a class, we discussed what would happen if we lived forever with our significant other. Mat then said, “I hate you Glamour”. After Katelyne’s mini presentation, Mat had us write on our notecards what genre we thought stumbleupon is. As a class, we discussed how stumbleupon can be identified as a database, platform, content aggregator, search engine, etc…

Mat then went over our annotated bibliography assignment and reminded us that they should have headers, be in MLA format, have no grammatical errors, and 10 sources. The polished/final annotated bibliography (10 sources with 1100 words) is postponed one class, so it is due Monday March 5. Hailey then lead class discussion by going over her annotated bibliography and explained each of her sources. Mat forget Deja was also presenting today. For her mini presentation, she presented a medical student podcast titled “Tales from The Clinic: From Theory to Practice.” She said the genre is medical student podcast and that podcasts are very informative. Mat then asked what our plan is for our 500-word draft and reminded us that our final draft should be 10 pages long (2500 words) :/. He drew a diagram on the board on how we should break down our paper into texts/chapters, such as: text analysis, personal intro, background info, interview info, academic info, community, and genre. Mat then apologized to Jarod and Deja for forgetting about them. Towards the end of class, Mat had us break up into our mini groups and talk about our annotated bibliographies.



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