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Ethan and Kylie's Log


The first thing we did in class was go over the log, read by Lou. Then, Mat mentioned that today (3/2/2018) is sort of the last day of Project 2, since the final draft was due at 6:00 am this morning. Mat reminded us that we need to turn in an organizational summary and plan for our final portfolios (in order to remind us that Project 3 is coming up). We should consider the genre presentation, the reflection, the blog posts, their log. On April 9, there will be a guest presentation about sexual health, and Mat suggested that we can analyze their presentation since there will be a combination of several genres. We also have an elevator pitch due, which is a 1 minute presentation summarizing your third project. We have that amount of time to convince Mat and the class that we have a valid project idea. We can also make a video for our elevator pitch. We shouldn’t use presentation materials for the elevator pitch, i.e. index cards, a PowerPoint, your notes, etc. The first genre for Project 3 is due on April 18. Mat showed us an example of a Project 3 genre, a brochure for parents getting their children tested for autism. She also created graphic pins, and a Kahoot. Then, Niko read the rationale of Project 3, which is to create different types of texts in a “campaign.” Next Kristy read the basic description, which says that we must use 3 different genres to distribute a message about our community. The minimum word count is 250. Next we talked about the application of the content created for Project 3, for example putting up a poster where it will be read by its target audience. Mat showed us Olivia’s Project 3, which was about rescuing shelter dogs. Nakima showed “Mean Tweets - NBA Edition” for her genre presentation. Mat discussed how Jimmy Kimmel subverts a genre and discourages mean tweets due to the fact that the celebrities reading the mean tweets don’t seem to care about what’s said to them. Bailey showed a video of a drag queen talking to children, interviewing them and answering their questions. She mentioned that talking to children are an easy way to address questions that everyone might have about a certain group of people. Lou showed the video “Non-scary movie,” a Key and Peele skit which embodies the feeling of watching a scary movie with your friends, and claiming that you’re not scared when in reality you might be terrified.


Next, we watched Bailey’s Mini Presentation which was a HiHo Kids YouTube video called “Kids Meet a Drag Queen.” Following her was Lou’s mini presentation that was a Key and Peele skit called “Non-Scary Movie.” These were both super funny, and the Key and Peele skit reminded me of my friends and I after watching a scary movie. Mat then asked if YouTube wasn’t for amateurs anymore because of the level of production in the two videos we watched. Neako and Lilly then led discussion talking about their “Blog About It” posts concerning project 2. Mat asked if anyone had any major problems reaching the word count or that fact that it was supposed to be due today at 6am. Neako slowly raised his hand and the class laughed. Mat chimed in and said that sometimes just writing shit until it takes you somewhere can be very helpful-at least for him-but he’s a poet, so who really knows. We then filled out our attendance cards because we realized we never did them, where we wrote things we did and did not want to be graded on for Project 2 along with our spirit names. Then we went around the room and shared our cards, and using our suggestions, we created a rubric for Project 2. Mat then announced class was cancelled this Wednesday, April 4.



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