Mat's Log
Class began with students introducing themselves with some basic information. This information was written on index cards that serve as as way of taking attendance. This is how attendance will be taken daily.
The class then read much of the syllabus. An overview of the course, grading, and policies took up most of the class time. Mat made one change to the syllabus--the required number of sources for the inquiry project will be less than what the syllabus states.
Each student then created a WIX website for this class. Some technical issues were addressed, but there will probably be further issues that will need to be addressed at a later point.
The required reading for the next class (TUESDAY) was a piece by Roxane Gay. Students put a link and description of their post in the comments section on the class website.
Class was dismissed with time for individual questions.
There is no class on July 4 and individual conferences will be the Thursday and Monday following. Students will sign up for an appointment online for Thursday or Monday, but there will also be no regular class those days.