BBG - Chapter 2

Please read and respond to chapter 2 of the Bedford Book of Genres. Create an audio/video response and comment below with your name, a brief description of your thoughts, and the link.
We'll be listening to these in class on Monday!
INSTRUCTOR: Mat Wenzel, MFA, M.Ed.
OFFICE: Williams 331
OFFICE HOURS: TUES/THUR 9:15 to 10:45 and by appointment
This course will develop your skill in identifying, researching, and manipulating genres that are practical to your chosen field of study and that you find interesting.
Genre knowledge and practice will be applied to communities in which you have been or are already a part of, communities you are gravitating toward, and communities for which you have an important message.
Arianna Gaudette- Everyone has their own style when it comes to storytelling. Different appeals are used to get across to different audiences.
Chapter 2 reaction, Pierre-Olivier Ledain
Widina Louis- My also late reaction to chapter 2.
my late reaction to chapter 2. Sorry Mat.
Justyn Leverett- Here is my take on chapter 2