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Wednesday, July 10

We began class by making sure we save our papers to multiple sources and saving it to wix to make sure it doesn’t get lost. There is a new feature on word and to look at Track Changes on word to see what Mat’s comments are on our paper. We then moved our desk into a big circle in the class room somehow and then we shared what our 3 questions we had for homework with our neighbor. In our big circle, Mat began to tell us that we are using “Peeling the Onion” with our homework. What this means is that we are digging deeper with our topics. Mat said its very important to follow the protocol. Which is to avoid the inclination to start out by “solving” the problem, before it has occurred. Then half the group was assigned to part to answer after we hear someone read out their card to learn more about their community. Each student was assigned a part of the questions on the board that we would answer after they have told us what their topic was. We then we went around the room sharing our ideas, with each student taking turns asking each of the 7 questions on the board that they would be assigned. It’s important to have that your topic is something you will be available to seek on campus and get the correct information. Keeping an open mind to everyone’s comments will only help your project and gives you more options to write about for your paper. Not Everyone was able to finish saying there 3 questions from last night’s homework with the group. We will finish tomorrow sharing with the group. Before we left class, we looked at the Syllabus to confirm we are still on the right track.


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